
Steven Rindner Talks About the Experience of Trail Running

Steven Rindner Talks About the Experience of Trail Running

Trail running involves running on trails rather than paved roads or concrete urban paths. However, it is also much more than just another running style. As Steven Rindner says, in its essence, trail running is also an escape, a means for modern-day exploration and self-discovery while also improving fitness. Trail running allows people to leave the strains and stress of daily life for a getaway on a local trail.

Steven Rindner briefly discusses the experience of trail running

Getting close to nature is among the key motivations and goals of trail running. Unlike typical road running marathons, trail running is not just about running a certain distance or at a particular speed. Owing to the decline and incline, trail runs are always subject to fluctuations. Hence, the pace is unlikely to be the same during the whole run. Speed, therefore, is not a priority in trail running, particularly when long distances or ultra runs are covered off-road. For many runners, the best aspect of trail running is the self-awareness and peace that comes with being in the midst of nature.

While trail running is different from running on the road or hard asphalt, it is also not the same as mountain running. Mountain running is only practiced in the mountains, and usually focuses on the steepest and fastest ascent possible. In the case of trail running, hilly terrain is just a part of it. Even though a few meters of altitude is common in trail runs, the route and the associated terrain are much more varied than with mountain running.

Depending on the weather conditions and their chosen route, one would have to navigate many things on a trail run. Runners can encounter mud, grass, fine pebbles or even snow during trail running. Apart from technique and endurance, concentration and balance also play an important role in trail runs. On a trail run, runners generally alternate between walking and running in the uphill sections. At times, fast walking can be more economical than running. The ascent in steep passages is usually made easier by supporting oneself on the thighs. Some beginners also use special running poles to save energy during the ascent.

When descending a slope during trail running, it is common for many runners to hold the poles in the middle to maintain balance and carry them alongside the body. This method helps in maintaining stability and prevents tripping over the poles. Effective downhill running relies on a combination of proper technique and focused attention. Managing the descent involves absorbing the impact and landing safely on the front part of the foot. As Steven Rindner points out, unlike running on flat surfaces like asphalt, the arms are extended outward from the body to improve balance and counter uneven terrain. Whether going uphill or downhill, it is vital for trail runners to remain relaxed, enjoy the run, and adapt to the surroundings. Beginners in trail running will quickly discover that the activity engages the entire body, working muscles and coordination extensively.

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